Saturday, November 13, 2010

The best $350 I've ever spent

OK, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but not much. Do you know how discouraged I was feeling yesterday and just how close I felt to being unable to overcome this latest mental hurdle? It wasn't pretty inside my head. But a bit of shopping therapy has done wonders for me today.

Yes, I spent $350 I don't have thanks to credit cards. But it was so worth it. I bought a wool winter coat, three sweaters, two pairs of shoes, a dress, a pair of jeans and a few other items. Given how much stuff I bought, I don't think I spent that much. Anyway, the important part is what happened when I was trying on the clothes and shoes. For the first time, I actually took smaller sizes into the dressing room and they fit, except in two instances they were too big. All of these new clothes are a size 14, except for the coat, which is an XL. (Yes, I didn't even have to get a plus size.) That feels amazing, especially since I've said my goal is to get to a size 12.

What's even better is that when I was trying on the clothes, I thought they looked good. I didn't feel like a big blob in everything. Instead, I noticed that I liked things to be form-fitting. I know I went a little overboard with my spending. But it felt so good to buy smaller clothes. And it's clearly just what I needed to get me over this bump in the road. I feel like someone has pressed the reset button on my brain. Thank goodness!!!

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