Friday, February 4, 2011

Bored out of my mind

I've been sick since Monday night and have stayed home from work the past two days. At first, I felt so bad that all I wanted to do was sit around in my pajamas and watch movies. Now that I'm feeling better, though, I'm so bored I feel like I could just scream.

I've watched so many movies and so much TV in the past few days. I've tried reading, but that didn't hold my interest. So my mind has started to wander. It's all over the place, which makes me feel a little nuts. Every time I try to concentrate on one thing, something else pops into my head.

Even as I'm trying to write this post, I just took a five-minute detour in my brain to think about what was the best movie I watched in the past two days. Here they are from my favorite to my least favorite. Don't judge. Sometimes I watched just because that's what was on.
1. Intolerable Cruelty
2. French Kiss
3. The Social Network
4. Unforgiven
5. (500) Days of Summer
6. Miller's Crossing

I know I'm babbling. What else can I do? I'm trying to keep myself from snacking -- something I tend to do when I'm bored. And I'm trying to focus my thoughts on something productive. Haha. That's not likely.

What's most interesting to me is that I never used to mind sitting around doing nothing. In fact, that's all I ever did. Of course, we all know by now that I've changed. Now when I'm sitting around -- for days in this case -- I get all fidgety and antsy.

OK, enough whining. I should be glad that I'm feeling better. Tomorrow is a new day. I'm sure I'll be seeing things more clearly then.

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