Sunday, February 13, 2011

No turning back now

Not that I was thinking there was I chance I'd gain all the weight back, but there's really no turning back now. I few weeks ago I bagged up all of the clothes that had gotten too big for me. They've just been sitting in the garage. I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them. Of course, there's this little voice in my head that says I might want those clothes one day.

Today, for some odd reason, I decided to clean out the garage. Naturally, that meant parting with 10 trash bags full of clothes and a bag of shoes. Yes, even my shoes are too big. I've gone from a 9 to an 8. I had a bit of anxiety as I was loading the bags into my car. But I finally took everything to Goodwill.

If I gain the weight back, I'm going to feel twice as stupid because I gave away all of my nice clothes. But I know it was the right thing to do. I had some really nice stuff and there are lots of people out there who can use those clothes. So I feel good knowing that maybe I'm helping someone else.

Plus, I'm not gaining the weight back. I will never buy clothes in a size bigger than what I own right now. I know how to control my eating habits. It's been more than a year since I started this journey and I'm still losing weight. When I think about my future, I don't see any scenario in which I will need those clothes. If anything, I hope I'll have more bags full to donate by the end of this year.

Getting rid of those clothes is a major milestone for me. As you know, for a long time, I couldn't even take them out of the closet. I feel a little stressed just thinking about it now, but I know it was an important mental step. Just knowing that they are gone somehow makes me feel even more committed to being successful. It's all about conscious choice and discipline.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Fabulous - congratulations, and smart move. I'm doing the same thing.
