Saturday, December 18, 2010

About last night

Where do I begin? Friday had been a pretty good day. Very busy at work and a little splurging at lunch. I knew it was going to be that kind of day, so I had decided early to not worry about what I ate or drank too much. Turns out eating at drinking weren't problems. Don't get me wrong, I ate plenty at dinner and had a few beers after, but I didn't overdo it. The problem was the OCD thing I'm trying to let go. Yesterday's rating was probably an 8 ... until last night. Then the rating plummeted to a 2 or 3. Ugh! I was doing so well all week. Oh well. I'll regroup today.

The other thing about last night is that I felt old. It's my own fault really. I was hanging out with a bunch of twentysomethings. I had a blast, except for the fact that someone told me I'm really a bitch at work. He actually wasn't mean about it and tried to explain that it's just that I'm so serious and focused. Yeah. What's wrong with that? Despite the insecurities I write about from time to time, I know that I'm really good at my job. I work hard and I don't like to fail. I set high expectations for myself and for others. Again, what's wrong with that?

Anyway, I'm trying not to take it too seriously because I know the comment wasn't meant to make me feel bad. Well, and I know it's kinda true. I'm just not sure I see it as a problem. :-) And the important point about last night is that I wore my new dress. I had a lot of fun and I, once again, went outside my comfort zone. So it was another successful day.

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