Friday, December 3, 2010

Weekly weigh-in: Lucky 7s

I have now lost exactly 77 pounds since January. Yes, 77 pounds!!!! This week's weigh-in went well -- 1.8 pounds lost. That's especially good news since my rate of weight loss has slowed significantly in the past couple of months. I know that's to be expected because I don't have nearly as much weight to lose now. I even gained last week. I know part of the slow progress has to do with me splurging a lot more than I did in the beginning. I'd like to think that I've been building muscle as well because I've exercised a lot more than in the beginning of the year. Anyway, I feel like this past week went well. I overdid it a little Thursday night for dinner (steak, mashed potatoes, wine ... and two cookies), but the rest of the week was pretty much on track. I didn't deprive myself of anything, but I made sure I kept portions small and accounted for all snacking.

As most of you know, I'm using Weight Watchers online to help me keep track of my eating. One problem this week is that WW completely revamped it's program. It still uses the points system, but the points have changed for just about everything. And I'm skeptical about how things that used to be multiple points are now zero. Supposedly it has something to do with the science of it all, but I'm not sold yet. It's really hard getting used to the new system. I had gotten to the point where I knew the points for just about everything and could keep track in my head all day. And the system was clearly working for me. Now, everything has changed. I don't like change ... even though I have spent most of this past year trying to get better at accepting it. So I will in this case, too.

Looking ahead to the coming weeks, I feel pretty good. I know I'll probably splurge from time to time. I've accepted that I won't be able to resist holiday cocktails and cookies. My goal is moderation. Just as a reminder, my short-term weight-loss goal right now is to have lost 80 pounds by Dec. 31. I'm feeling confident about it.

1 comment:

  1. I've only been using for a few weeks, so I didn't have anything but the usuals memorized, but it still threw me for a loop - combined with 13 days of the past two weeks on the road. I just ditched it all last week, but after a day at home over the weekend got back on there and started again.

    I gained a pound last week, but considering that I was traveling for fun and business and got to eat at two of my favorite restaurants, that's not bad. Moderately splurgy dinners last night and tonight but will try to point 'em out and at least take credit for it .... the main thing is to keep at it and not beat yourself up!! I do like the WW system for the most part.
