Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I don't know how she did it, but a friend created a word cloud of my blog from this year. After reading my earlier post, she thought it might cheer me up. It did.

The biggest word: thankful. (click here to see the cloud)

I am thankful for how far I've come this year, personally and professionally. I've lost 77 pounds and I'm in better shape than ever before. I still have a way to go, but I know I will get where I want to be. Professionally, I've undergone a lot of growth as well in the past year. I've taken on a new job and learned a lot about different aspects of my profession. It hasn't always been easy, but it's been a journey -- just like losing weight.

I am thankful for the friends I've made this year, especially those who understand my low points and do whatever they can to help me get through them. Sometimes, all it takes is a positive comment from someone when you least expect it. Other times, it's been great to have friends (new and old) who let me prattle on about whatever is on my mind. The people I appreciate most are those who aren't annoyed when I get obsessed with a particular topic. Instead, they find it refreshing that I've chosen to trust them with what's important to me.

I am thankful that I'm a different person, the kind of person who can be having a bad day but still find things to be happy about. Today is one of those days, but I am ending the day thinking about the positive things that happened today.

So I am thankful.

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