Tuesday, October 19, 2010

5 things that made me happy today

As you probably know by now, I'm taking time each night to think about things that made me happy that day. I made a list of five things yesterday and it was kinda therapeutic, so I'm thinking I might try to do it daily. I'm only going to pick five, mostly because listing more would take more time. Plus, I think it's good to have a concise list. Sometimes, they might be really big important things. Sometimes, they might be little things just made me smile.

Here's today's list.

1. I walked The Loop at Wrightsville Beach tonight. It's really pretty unbelievable. I try to walk it every weekend, but I don't usually walk that far at night during the week. I usually tell myself that I'm too tired. I was a little slower than my friend, but she was nice enough to adjust her pace. And I feel fantastic. So thankful I did it. And, honestly, I'm happy to have made a new friend who inspires me and supports me.

2. I had to ask three reporters at work today to do things that aren't typically part of their jobs. With each assignment, I said: "I owe you one." I say that a lot. What made me happy is that all three accepted the assignments without complaint. The did what needed to be done. I can really appreciate that attitude. And I will pay them back one day.

3. This one's probably going to make me sound a little nutty. But we have these flash drives at work that are round and have our logo on them. I've wanted one for months. But apparently they were for other people. I just thought they were cool. And I wanted the cool toy. Anyway, one of the other editors walked up to my desk out of the blue today and gave me one. Yay for him. It made me happy.

4. I walked two laps around the StarNews building. The first lap came right after I tasted a seafood empanada and ate a piece of chocolate. Neither was very good for me. Instead of stewing about it, I walked right outside and took a lap around the building. The sunshine was invigorating. After a couple of hours at my desk, I decided to take one more lap. I don't know what made me do, but I bet you'll see me out there more often. Apparently, walking and being outside make me happy.

5. We had a bit of breaking news today. I was so happy to be the editor who coordinated the coverage, especially since we beat the competition. I love the news. And I love it even more when we're first. I got such an adrenaline rush today. And that made me happy.

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