Monday, October 25, 2010

The happy list returns

I took a break from blogging over the weekend, so I didn't actually write down the things that made me happy each day. But there were plenty of things. I had a nice weekend. Very relaxing and I walked/jogged a lot more than normal. I also made a couple of new things to eat -- pumpkin smoothies and pumpkin crepes. Both were very yummy.

Anyway, here's today's list.

1. I had a nice lunch with a new acquaintance -- someone we often write about in the newspaper. I was happy to meet the person and get to know more about what he does. I definitely have a different perspective and genuinely enjoyed meeting someone new.

2. I was reminded by a note from a friend today of the moment I decided I was going to try to focus on things that make me happy. It's funny because I can remember asking the person (who was an intern at the paper this past summer) why he's so happy all the time. Somehow, his positive attitude rubbed off in just a couple of months. When I'm struggling to be happy and positive, I think about what he would say and I feel better.

3. I got a new picture taken today. It caused quite a bit of commotion in the office because I don't think it was very good and I didn't want to post the one where I'm really smiling. I eventually posted it on facebook, but I'm not happy about it. What I am happy about is how supportive so many friends were. There were so many compliments about how far I've come. Sure, I kind of asked for the attention by posting on facebook ... but people didn't have to say anything. So I was flattered and happy people took the time. It meant a lot.

4. I found myself in a frustrating and difficult situation today. I'm happy that I didn't lose my cool and I was the one who offered a solution. I really am happy when I get backed into a corner and I'm not defensive.

5. Finally, I'm happy I didn't have to cook dinner. I had leftover chicken with potatoes, artichokes and mushrooms. It was delicious and wonderful comfort food on this rainy night. Yes, sometimes something as simple as not having to cook dinner makes me happy. Oh, and I think I'm going to make more pumpkin crepes for dessert. Who wouldn't be happy about that?

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