Thursday, October 21, 2010

Not feeling so happy, but sticking with it

I've been in a funk today. Nothing specific, except that I had a migraine for most of the day. And I have so much work to do that it's all just a little overwhelming right now. Anyway, I'm having trouble thinking of five things that made me happy today, but I'm going to try. I'm committed to finding the good in every day, so here goes.

1. Oddly enough, my headache went away after I came home, put on my pajamas and vegged in front of the TV. So I'm happy I no longer have a migraine.

2. I ate well today. Nothing off track.

3. I got a tour of the new Wilmington Convention Center, and I enjoyed the behind-the-scenes look. And I was happy a reporter took notes and photos and was willing to blog about it afterward.

4. I'm happy it's Thursday and one of my favorite shows is on TV -- The Big Bang Theory.

5. I wore a ring today that I've never actually been able to wear on my ring finger. When I bought it years ago, it would only fit on my pinky. I never wore it. Now it really fits.

I think writing the list is helping. I'm actually smiling after writing the last one.


  1. That's what whoever coined the expression "Count your blessings" meant!

  2. No 5. is a wonderful image.
