Monday, July 25, 2011

Couch to 5K training has begun

When the alarm went off this morning, I must have really been asleep. At first, I didn't even realize what time it was or what day it was. A few minutes later, I realized I was supposed to be getting up to start my Couch to 5K training.

I was tempted to delay it, but then I got on the scale and noticed that I gained two pounds over the weekend. Really? Ugh! So I headed outside. Immediately, I felt the hot sticky air and saw lots of dark clouds. After hardly a drop of rain in weeks, was it really going to be raining this morning?

But I was determined. I walked for five minutes as the program says I should. Then I was supposed to jog for 60 seconds and walk for 90 seconds -- for a total of 20 minutes. I didn't have a timer, so I jogged for 60 steps, then walked for 90 steps. After 10 minutes, I felt sprinkles. Luckily, I was close to home. It drizzled for about 5 minutes and stopped. So I headed back outside. I continued the jogging/walking for 10 more minutes. Then I walked a cool-down lap around my neighborhood. It started to drizzle again just as I was finishing but I was so sweaty and hot that it actually felt nice.

On one hand, it was harder than I expected. But on the other hand, it wasn't as bad as I had made it out to be in my mind. Physically, I can tell that the jogging worked muscles I'm not used to working. My legs are a little sore, but they don't hurt. It was easier because I worried that I wouldn't even be able to get through the first day. (I'm sure the short break in the middle helped.)

So the plan calls for doing this three times a week with a day break in between. My plan is to do it Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Is it OK to still walk my usual laps on Tuesdays and Thursdays? I don't see why it would hurt. I know I don't want to overdo it, but I find that I really enjoy the walking before work and I want to keep it up as much as possible.

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