Thursday, July 7, 2011

Migraine madness

Those who know me personally or are friends with me on Facebook already know that I suffer from migraines. I've had them for years and the severity and frequency vary.

A few years ago, I seemed to be having them five or six times a month and for days at a time. That's when I started doing some research and I changed my eating habits. I virtually cut out MSG and only ate chocolate in small amounts. The headaches got a lot better -- occurring maybe once a month or less. The severity also improved.

About two years ago, I discovered Excedrin Migraine. Wow. One pill when I felt one coming on and it was almost always gone within a few hours. As long as I could cure the pain that easily and quickly, I didn't worry too much about it. A lot of people have said I should see a doctor. But I know several people who've been to doctor after doctor for migraines and they still suffer. Yes, they've seen some improvement with prescription medication, but until recently mine weren't that bad.

The past couple of months, however, the headaches are more frequent and more painful. I've always had some of the typical symptoms -- sensitivity to light and sound. Lately, I've also experienced nausea. The pain is almost always in the same spot on my forehead, but it sometimes radiates down into my neck, shoulders and back.

Today's is the worst I've had in recent months and nothing seems to be helping. I lay down and I feel sick. I sit up and every muscle in my neck and the top of my back hurts. I'm simply miserable. If you've never experienced a migraine, it's really hard to describe the feeling. But sometimes the pain is enough to make me crazy.

So, of course, me being the solution-oriented person that I am, I've been thinking today about what's causing them. No surprise ... I think it's stress. You'd think that being off from work the past week might be relaxing. But it's actually been stressful because I've traveled to Richmond and had to deal with my dad's estate. I've been trying to relax since I got back to Wilmington, but there's still stuff to do.

If the current pattern continues, I think I'll have no choice but to see a doctor. If you have any recommendations for non-prescription remedies, I'd love to hear them.

1 comment:

  1. Excedrin Migraine and a sugary-caffeinated beverage such as Pepsi or Coke, if you catch it early enough, will prevent migraines for many. If not, you are stuck either being miserable or taking an RX medication. It is important not to vary the caffeine you consume on a daily basis. Drink the same amt at the same times each day-- never more or less, and don't delay the time you normally drink it, if possible. Caffeine withdrawal can trigger a bad headache. A stress headache can also cause pain in the neck and forehead (like a tight band or too-tight swim cap). A professional massage and/or a hot bath or relaxation breathing/nice soft music or any combination of the above can help w/tension headaches. Any pain can cause nausea. You may be having severe tension headaches sometimes, migraines other times. Relaxation breathing helps w/almost any type of pain (in slowly thru the nose, out slowly thru the mouth as in yoga.) Good luck.
