Monday, July 18, 2011

Ready to run?

A year ago, when I first started incorporating physical activity (mostly walking) into my weight-loss journey, I blogged about wanting to be a runner. I tried jogging a little last summer, but I never managed to make a habit of it. Then, I barely even walked for months.

Now that I'm back to walking most days, I decided it was time to think about running again. I actually jogged a bit during this morning's outing. I didn't keep track, so I can't be sure, but I think I jogged about a half mile. My total outing was 1.8 miles.

Of course, that got me to thinking about my desire to run a 5K. It's one of the things on my list to do before I'm 40. (I'm 38 now.) I looked up the Couch-to-5K Training Plan, which I know has worked for a lot of people. My goal now is to continue with my walking/jogging this week and to start that training plan next week.

Seeing it in print is a little overwhelming. Week one, I have to jog for 60 seconds then walk for 90 seconds for a total of 20 minutes. I honestly don't know if I can jog for 60 seconds right now. Maybe by next week, though.

Plus, it can't hurt to try. Just the little bit of jogging I did this morning worked different muscles. And I really like the way I feel when I include exercise in my routine. I've long said that part of my goal is to get fit, not just to lose weight.

1 comment:

  1. Do it! Every little bit counts, and you'll never feel better. I have my bad days, but I NEVER regret jogging. I only regret the days I don't do it. It elevates your mood, and can really give weight loss a good kick in the pants.
