Saturday, January 15, 2011

Just what I needed

I started today feeling a little down because of this week's weight gain. But I was determined not to let it get to me. So I decided it was time to clean out my closet -- a walk-in jam packed with clothes and shoes. I already knew stuff was way too big, but I haven't been able to purge it from my closet. As usual, it's a mental hurdle. Today was the day.

At first, I tried on every piece of clothing before I decided it was too big and put it in a bag. I couldn't believe how huge everything was on me. A few shirts could now pass for dresses if they were a couple of inches longer. And a lot of the pants and skirts wouldn't even stay up. Yes, they just fell down -- while buttoned. I'd hold them up and look in the mirror. I felt like I was in one of those weight-loss commercials where people show how big their clothes were. You've seen them -- the ones where the pants seem to be twice the size of the person.

After filling four large trash bags, I stopped trying on everything. My ego had been boosted. I could tell by looking at the size that something wasn't going to fit. I filled two more bags.

Halfway there

About that time, a couple of friends asked me to go shopping. My bedroom/closet was a wreck, but I couldn't resist. I was getting rid of so many things that I felt I deserved to buy something new. I had the best time shopping. I went in several stores I've never been in before ... because I couldn't wear those sizes. And I bought a size large sweater -- first size large since I started losing weight. That's a major accomplishment. So much so that one of my friends instead on taking a photo of me buying it.

My friends were so nice and supportive. Well, except for when they forced me to try on a red dress. They both were trying on the same dress. I finally gave in. I am, after all, trying to do new things. I'll admit that the dress did look pretty fantastic on me, but it was quite form-fitting and definitely not my style. I didn't buy it, but one of friends did and she looks fabulous in it. I also tried on three-inch black heels. I really wanted them, but I knew I'd never wear them and I couldn't justify the roughly $110 price tag.

I might have to sleep in the guest room.
My bedroom and closet are still a mess, but today's purging and shopping spree turned out to be just what I needed. I'm once again feeling so lucky to have friends who make me feel so good about myself. And they know how to push me to get past some of these mental hurdles. I feel fantastic!!!!

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