Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nobody's perfect

That's hard for me to admit sometimes. But I was reminded this week that we all have issues -- whether they're with the way we look or some other aspect of who we are. I think I've spent much of my life being a perfectionist, which is why being overweight is so hard to deal with. It is something I can control. I told myself for a long time that I couldn't. But I know differently now.

An important part of this journey, however, has been allowing myself not to be perfect. And I think that's made me more accepting of others. It's funny because I know a few people now who have certain personality traits that would have annoyed me in the past. Now, I find them endearing and I even think I'm learning from these people.

These days, it's rare that I don't find something I like about a person. Sometimes, I feel like I'm taking the thing I like the most about each person and trying to emulate it. I hope they're flattered. I'm also finding that through this process I'm being more open and honest with people. It's not easy, but the more I do it, the easier it gets. And the more I realize that we all have issues.

OK, I'm rambling. My point is that we all have things we don't like about ourselves. Things that make us feel insecure. I believe that finding true happiness means overcoming those insecurities or at least surrounding yourself by people who understand them and don't expect you to be perfect. I want to be that kind of person and I'm lucky to have those kinds of friends.

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