Sunday, January 23, 2011

The power of protein and exercise

Thank you to everyone who's given me advice in the past few weeks about why I'm hungry all the time and how to solve the problem. Apparently, eating more protein really does work. For the past five days, I've started my day with a high protein breakfast -- either a cheese omelet or greek yogurt with fruit and granola. Before I was just eating a banana and I was starving all the time. The change in breakfast seems to have made a big difference. I've also been trying to pay more attention to how much protein I eat during the rest of the day as well. I'm not eating a lot more for snacks, lunch and dinner, but just a little bit.

I also appreciate the support everyone's offered regarding exercise. I have started walking again. Four days in a row, with a break today. My legs aren't sore but I can tell that it had been a couple of weeks. Still, the physical activity has made me feel fantastic. I was even sleeping better until last night. Maybe that was just a fluke because I've kinda got something on my mind. Uncertainty always seems to interrupt my sleep patterns. And I know a lack of sleep can affect my mood.

Speaking of my mood, this is the second weekend in a row where I've ended up doing things I wouldn't normally do and I think it's because I'm really trying to go outside my comfort zone. Nothing crazy, mostly just hanging out with friends. In the past, though, I probably would have made an excuse for staying home. But now I jump at every opportunity that comes my way and I'm having so much fun.


  1. Excellent - glad the protein's helping. You're doing better than I am on exercise this week. The cold makes it harder for me to get out there, and my right ankle's bothering me so I didn't want to try Greenfield circumnavigation this weekend anyway. I haven't completely skipped a day yet, though!

    I have a few suggestions re getting to sleep, too, if that keeps bothering you.

    Happy new week!

  2. I'm so glad it's helping!
