Monday, January 17, 2011

Why am I so hungry?

I'm supposed to be working on a project for my job tonight, but I'm so hungry that I'm having trouble focusing. All I can think about is wanting something to eat. That got me thinking about how I seem to be starving all the time lately. What's going on?

I expected a bit of a transition from the holidays back into my normal routine, but it's been a couple of weeks now. It's time for my body to adjust. Could I be doing something different?

Here's what I've eaten so far today and the points at which I was starving.
8:30 a.m.: Large coffee, banana
9:45 a.m.: String cheese
11 a.m.: Starving. Had trouble concentrating during a meeting because I was so hungry.
Noon: Healthy Choice frozen entree for lunch
1 p.m.: Handful of pretzels and handful of goldfish
1:45 p.m.: Two mini candy canes and two pieces of chocolate
3:30 p.m.: Starving again.
5:45 p.m.: Baked potato topped with a ground beef, tomato and mushroom mixture.
7 p.m.: Popcorn
7:30 p.m.: Still hungry ... debating another snack.

Based on my Weight Watchers points allotment for the day, I still have a few left, which means I could eat a little more during the day. I just don't know what to eat and when. My uneducated assessment is that I'm not eating enough for breakfast and I need a better snack in the afternoon. The key is that I don't make stuff in the morning. Whatever I eat for breakfast has to be something I can take to work and eat at my desk. If you follow Weight Watchers, I'm looking for something in the 6-point range for breakfast. My afternoon snack needs to be equally as simple and about 3 points.

I'm open to suggestions. I feel like I've been on a roller-coaster lately with my eating and I'm ready to get it under control. I know that's the only way I'm going to achieve my goals. Plus, I can't stand being hungry all the time. If you have any thoughts on why that's happening, let me know. I don't think simply eating more is the right answer because I really not losing weight at this point (less than a pound in the past month).


  1. Any chance you like yogurt? I typically don't, but I do like the whole soy & lit & fit kinds lighter. Also popcorn (without the added yummy buttery stuff) seems to be good & make me feel like I am munching more.

    I don't have a clue on the weight watchers point system, but those are my go tos... along with fruit. Cherries are great right now.

    Good luck. & drink LOADS of water. Fills you up.

  2. Cottage cheese. Hard-boiled egg. Protein bar. Peanut butter on an apple. You need more protein, WAY more. Look at what you ate, it's mostly carbs.
    I get Pure Protein bars at WalMart or Target 200 calories, 20 grams. You won't be hungry for three hours. YAY! -Shelagh

  3. Thanks, Shelagh. I know you're right. I gotta plan better.

  4. I LOVE the light & fit yogurt, too. Dannon and store brand clones - fat and sugar free, 1 or 2 points. You could eat two of them for breakfast, or one with some dry cereal (which I don't like so I don't eat) for six points. I have always hated fat-free yogurt, but those are really good, and so is the expensive Greek fatfree (Dannon Greek not so much) - I add some extra-light syrup blackberries, frozen blueberries or strawberries, and it's lovely for minimal points, maybe 4.

    I really have never liked breakfast foods in general, so it's kind of funny that I'm eating them now. I also have some 3-point bagels that I ordered by mail (let me know if you want to go in on an order, have to get 6 bags of 6 at a time) that I eat with fat-free cream cheese, maybe some smoked salmon and capers, or with a couple of microwave poached eggs (the only way I like them.) It may sound funny, but I also love Amy's frozen vegetarian shepherd's pie for breakfast, also about 4 points. I prefer to have a 7 or 8 point breakfast that holds me till lunch than to have a morning snack.

    Even if they're little and low points, the sugary snacks might be screwing with your blood sugar and making you hungrier. I indulge my chocolate craving with 2-point double hot chocolate that I make with almond milk, sugarfree Hersheys syrup and special dark Hersheys cocoa powder. I usually have it with a 100-calorie pack of Lorna Doones or 4 bitesize Famous Amos, for another 3 or 4 points and a really nice dessert or evening snack and not quite as much of a sugar load.

    I hate popcorn and don't eat much fresh fruit because it's either not very good, very expensive, or goes bad before I get to it. I have an apple now and then, but I eat a lot of DelMonte SunFresh sugarfree red grapefruit sections - in the produce section and surprisingly only at Food Lion. Two HTs and two Lowes I've checked didn't have the sugarfree, only the light syrup kind. The sugarfree ones are zero points and I often eat the whole $4 or so jar - but they're so good!!

    Anyway, don't know how much help that is, but it's what I do .... good luck and have a fabulous week!!

  5. Ditto on Shelagh's protein comment - I try to make sure I eat plenty. I get some of those protein bars she mentions and also eat Genisoy snack-crisp thingies, also only at Food Lion, the ones that have a health food section. I love the BBQ and garlic, but like the plain salted and cheddar cheese. The Greek yogurt is also higher protein, which is why I tried it to start with, but it is also much creamier than regular fatfree, so it's good to add to soups, Mexican stuff, etc where you might have used sour cream.

  6. Thanks for the suggestions, Susan. As always, I appreciate the advice. I think you might be right about the small sugary snacks. I used to never eat that sort of thing (except for a couple of dark chocolate-covered almonds at night as a snack). Now I do it all the time. Again, I think it's because I'm not planning my meals and snacks as well. I think the yogurt for breakfast is probably a good bet. And I really like the fat-free greek kind. I can't do a lot of sugar-free stuff because I'm allergic to Nutrasweet. But I am finding that more and more stuff has Splenda in it.

  7. I find a nice bowl of oatmeal (I do low-sugar but there's an even more filling one called weight control) with banana sliced on top is very filling. I couple it with a Vitamuffin (in grocer's freezer, should be at the Teeter). Lots of fiber, lots of protein key to fullness.

    That's my easy to eat/make breakfast. I have others but they take more time. (Like an english muffin topped with egg beaters and a slice of cheese or egg beaters and turkey bacon or Biggest Loser blueberry pancakes.)

  8. Glad to hear you had a little turnaround this week. It's always easier to see patterns like that from the outside, but once you recognize what's happening, you can straighten it out.

    I just checked and the DelMonte red grapefruit and the Hungry Jack pancake syrup I recommended the other day are both made with Splenda, no aspartame in 'em. So if they sounded good, have a go! I really enjoy the waffle and sausage breakfast, and I've never really been a pancake/waffle lover. Also, I was just at the Lowes by the mall and they have a good selection of Genisoy snacks. They are kind of addictive - I sometimes eat a whole bag and call it supper, but with lots of protein, no fat, and good fiber, it's only about 10 or 12 points so not too bad to do every now and then. I keep meaning to split the bag into baggies when I open it, but always forget.

    Congratulations and keep it up! Now Ziva the wonderdog and I are off for a walk.
